Grant Writing

Support in all phases of the grant application process

Grant Application Services ǀ Grant Consulting ǀ Germany Europe ǀ Proposal Development ǀ Writing Service

Grant writing: first steps

  • What is important and needs to be considered when preparing a grant proposal?
  • Which requirements must be met?
  • What prerequisites do I need to fulfil (institutional and personal)?
  • Typical stumbling blocks and typical mistakes
  • Building blocks for project conception

Grant consulting

  • You have a project idea? We can help you find the best matching grant or funding programme in Germany, Europe and all around the world.

Funding opportunities—some examples:
ERC (European Research Council) grants, ERC Starting GRANT, MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions), EURAXESS, Georg Forster Research Fellowship, Humboldt Research Fellowship, DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service),
Funding programmes for PhD students and postdocs.
Also helpful: information on research in Germany.

Proposal development

  • Based on your project idea, we support you in designing and planning the project—including work programme and budget plan
  • We also support you in developing the grant proposal sections

Writing Service

  • Full proposal writing service, including aligning your project idea with the funding agency’s priorities
  • Editing service for the proposal text you have drafted
  • Support in writing joint proposals with international partners

Grant writing support for (international) teams

  • Facilitating the formation of (international) teams
  • Bringing together ideas for project conception and research planning

Proposal Submission Assistance

  • Completeness check to ensure that all elements of the grant application are properly prepared and submitted in accordance with the funding agency’s requirements.

Our experience for your success

Grant Writing

We have over 20 years of experience in securing grants and funding. We have provided numerous proposal consultations and trainings for German and international funding agencies around the word—among others for the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), the DFG (German Research Foundation), the National Science and Technology Council (Zambia), the TETfund Tertiary Education Trust Fund (Nigeria), Minciencias Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación (Colombia)—and have also acted as reviewers.

You can rest assured that your research idea will be kept confidential.

Individuals: Hour (à 45 min) € 85.00 incl. VAT.
Price for hour quotas on request
Teams, institutions, organisations:
Offers and prices on request

The initial consultation is free of charge.

Also helpful: Online self-study course
How to write a competitive research grant proposal

Write a message to us.

Or call us directly. +49 (0) 221 16 88 99 0

How does it work?

We usually conduct our consultation sessions online, via Zoom or another video conferencing tool if you prefer. If necessary, a face-to-face meeting is also possible – in Cologne or elsewhere (additional travel costs may apply).

  • Step 1: Contact us by email or telephone and let us know where you see a need for support. We will then arrange an appointment for an initial consultation that is convenient for both parties. The 30-minute initial consultation will take place online – we will send you a Zoom link in advance.
  • Step 2: In the initial consultation, we specify your needs together. We outline the consultation process and possible solutions and agree on the expected number of consultation sessions /hours. You do not need to book a minimum number – we only charge for the time we have actually spent working for you. After the initial consultation, we will send you a contract which, among other things, gives you written assurance that the contents of the consultation – especially your research idea – will be kept confidential.
  • Step 3: The sequence and frequency of the consultation sessions or other forms of consultation (e.g. by email) depends entirely on your needs.

We are also at your disposal with these proWiss services:

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